The Code

                        // get the trems of the loan to calculagte and validate them
                        function getValues() {
                            let principal  = document.getElementById('loanAmount').value;
                            let term = document.getElementById('loanTerm').value;
                            let interest = document.getElementById('interestRate').value;
                            // set up for variables related to principal, term and interest
                            principal = parseInt(principal);
                            term = parseInt(term);
                            interest = parseFloat(interest);
                            // Swal message response should the use not input values    
                            if (isNaN(principal) || isNaN(term) || isNaN(interest) || principal <= 0 || term <= 0 || interest <= 0){
                                    backdrop: false,
                                    title: 'Oops',
                                    text: 'Please enter valid numbers for your loan'
                            } else {
                                let totals = calculateTotals(principal, term, interest);
                                let payments = calculatePayments(principal, term, interest, totals.monthlyPayment);
                        // calculate the totals for the loan
                        function calculateTotals (principal, term, rate){
                            let monthlyPayment = (principal * (rate/1200)) / (1 - Math.pow(1 + rate/1200, -term));
                            let totalCost = monthlyPayment * term;
                            let totalInterest = totalCost - principal;
                            // return an object with all the totals
                            let loanTotals = {
                                monthlyPayment: monthlyPayment,
                                totalCost: totalCost,
                                totalInterest: totalInterest, 
                                totalPrincipal: principal       
                            return loanTotals;
                        // calculate each month of the loan
                        function calculatePayments(principal, term, rate, monthlyPayment){
                            let balance = principal;
                            let totalInterest = 0;
                            let paymentsArray = [];
                        // for lopp to go through all of the months
                        for (let month = 1; month <= term; month += 1){
                            let interestPayment = balance * (rate / 1200);
                            let principalPayment = monthlyPayment - interestPayment;
                            balance -= principalPayment;
                            totalInterest += interestPayment;
                        //   put the calculations of each month into an object
                            let paymentObj = {
                                month: month,
                                payment: monthlyPayment,
                                principal: principalPayment,
                                interest: interestPayment,
                                totalInterest: totalInterest,
                                balance: balance
                        //   put that object into an array
                        // return an array of objects
                        return paymentsArray;
                        // display the totals for the loan
                        function displayTotals(totals){
                            let format = {
                                style: 'currency',
                                currency: 'USD'
                        // convert payments to US format
                            document.getElementById('monthly-payment').textContent = totals.monthlyPayment.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                            document.getElementById('total-principal').textContent = totals.totalPrincipal.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                            document.getElementById('total-interest').textContent = totals.totalInterest.toLocaleString('en-US',  format);
                            document.getElementById('total-cost').textContent = totals.totalCost.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                        // display the payments to the user
                        function displayPayments(paymentsArr){
                            let format = {
                                style: 'currency',
                                currency: 'USD'
                            // accept array from 
                            const tableRowTemplate = document.getElementById('monthlyPaymentTemplate');
                            const paymentsTable = document.getElementById('paymentsTable');
                            // use a for loop to create a value for 
                            // each relavant element on the output table.
                            for (let i = 0; i < paymentsArr.length; i++){
                                let payment = paymentsArr[i];
                                let tableRow = tableRowTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
                                let tableCells = tableRow.querySelectorAll('td');
                                tableCells[0].textContent = payment.month;
                                tableCells[1].textContent = payment.payment.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                                tableCells[2].textContent = payment.principal.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                                tableCells[3].textContent = payment.interest.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                                tableCells[4].textContent = payment.totalInterest.toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                                tableCells[5].textContent = Math.abs(payment.balance).toLocaleString('en-US', format);
                        // display the month in a table